My Bedroom Studios © 2012 -2013 All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                     Owned By : Connor Gaunt
So it has come to my attention that there isn't much I could ever do with Bounce Pad. I decided to call it finished, from this moment on there will be no more updates unless there is high demand (witch there wont be). This was my first ever game and although it was fun making it i want to start on new things and move on to better game. The final update involves:

-Sound (with mute)
-Arrow key controls 
-Fixes of some bugs 
-final touches to layout and graphics 
Hey people just a quick note to say i think i finally got Bounce Pad where it needs to be to be finished, so for my next few project i'm going to be trying new thing but they seem well in the future please just keep playing the games and giving me some feedback :) 
Tonight there will be some mega updates coming. Graphics have been redone and i fixed one or two of the bugs ! 
I know of some bugs but like the score at the start but that resets after you start, so that isn't as much of a problem as say how badly the graphics need up dating or some new power up need to added or tweaking of the speeds of balls, this game has endless possibly and i hope to take it a lot further but i can only do that if people leave me some suggestions so go play and have fun if you fin anything let me know!